
Living for the moment, and not the post.

  (4:30 am North Idaho ) “Live for the moments that you can’t put into words.” – Clo Mailen …or a photo. …or a post. The best moments in life are ones not captured on camera. Yes, some times they are. And taking pictures isn’t wrong. I love taking pictures. It helps me remember moments and it’s especially nice when you can’t get outdoors to look at places you’ve traveled or see pictures of people who are no longer near. But…. sometimes, the best moments in life aren’t captured on camera. That is when you are fully living in the moment. When you aren’t consumed with pausing to grab your camera…so you can relive this moment later, or taking a picture so you can show it to others.  Live for it now. For you. I have a love hate relationship with social media but it comes down to balance. Sometimes it’s nice to be off the grid. Off the phone. Off the camera. Just living in the present moment, for yourself.  

Easy travels with the Pup!

Who would have guessed I had the BEST camping dog?!?! Has your dog ever been on a road trip? Don't worry, you can do it! My dog is usually only in the car for 10-20 minutes at a time. So traveling almost 3000 miles, you better believe I prepped and planned ahead to make it easy on him as well as on us! I listed 7 of my best tips and products that made traveling with a dog much easier.  1. CBD! We used PetlyCBD and it worked great for our 120lb pup! No, it didn't put him to sleep, he still had personality and was ready for hikes, but it took the edge off his excitement and made the car rides a breeze! 2. Stop every 2-3 hours so your dog can pee. This helped so all our stops were planned and we never had to stop at random places that may not have been convenient. And we never had to deal with whimpering in the car and wondering if he needed to take a leak. 3. Search "L esotc Pet Water Bottle" on Amazon. This is the BEST purchase for our trip! It's not breakable, all...

Maiden Voyage - Go Big or Go Home!

(Farragut State Park in North Idaho) We did it all backwards and it was awesome! Cart before the horse. Go big or go home. A lot of first time campers will “practice“ with a local campsite before taking off on a further, longer vacation. It’s a great way to practice without fully diving in, but for me, it just seemed a waste of time. Only because I can be impatient and anxious. I’d rather spend all my energy, time, and money going on the vacation I want to be at. If you want to practice but need to save money and time, you can always rough it out while it’s parked at your own house. Or you can “go big” and just wing it with your first vacation at just under 3,000 miles. Just do a lot of research before your trip so you know what you’re doing and what supplies you need. Pack light and travel safely.  My three must have apps: All trails app Gas buddy app, then use Google Maps to ensure it’s rv friendly  Rvlife campsites app

The God of Nature

(Snow Canyon State Park, Utah)   Do you ever wonder why you feel at peace and more energized when you are out in nature? I think anyone who enjoys the outdoors has experienced that overwhelming joy while being in the great outdoors. But where does it come from? Why do we feel this spiritual connection to nature? I recently read Psalms 104 and I think you will enjoy it as well. PSALMS 104 1 Bless  the  Lord , O my soul! O  Lord  my God, You are very great: You are clothed with honor and majesty, 2 Who cover  Yourself  with light as  with  a garment, Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain. 3 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters, Who makes the clouds His chariot, Who walks on the wings of the wind, 4 Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire. 5 You   who  laid the foundations of the earth, So  that  it should not be moved forever, 6 You  covered it with the deep as  with  ...

Camping and fancy can coexist-

  For some reason I thought if I was camping, I couldn't be fashionable. I consider myself a simple girl, but I do like a touch of fancy. Camping is a simpler life. And you try to make it easier by being simple. But for some reason I thought I can't do my nails, or slap makeup on, or wear that bow in my hair. Yes, dry shampoo and easy outfits are planned, but why not add a little fancy if that's your style? I don't have to get rid of my style just because I'm roughing it outdoors. Just maybe a simpler version.  Lesson learned, even if you need to alter yourself to adapt, that doesn't mean you have to give up yourself completely. (Color Street Nails - Trend Spotted)

"Over the river and through the woods..."

I love going on hikes. Am I good at it? No. Honestly, it's probably more of a nature walk than a hike. But, you do not have to be good at something to enjoy it. Whatever brings you joy, try to do it often. For me, "hiking" is one of my favorite hobbies. I'm sure there will be lots of posts about all my treks out in nature. I may not be an expert, but hopefully you will learn a thing or two as I attempt to live a life more outdoors. "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." -John Muir

Leashing Adventures

  New trailer, new adventures, means puppy gets a new leash! There's two brands that I love for collars and leashes, Max&Neo and Wilderdog. If your dog is big and strong like mine, you definitely need a good quality leash and collar. We have been using Max&Neo since my dog was a puppy and ours have never broken. I prefer the 6' leash that has the traffic handle. This is probably my go to leash for everyday dog walks.  However, I recently discovered Wilderdog and I'm so excited about this brand! I own both the 5' and the 10' leashes. They are made with rock climbing rope so they are very sturdy. These are perfect for our more adventure hikes or camping life. If you check out their website you can see all the ways you can tie the rope for different usages.